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« مـنـتـديـات شــذي »

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 Easy and delicious spaghetti with bechamel ???? #spaghetti #pa

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
بديع السروري
رٍئـٍّيـٍّس مـٍّ ج ـٍّلـٍّس إلإدارة
رٍئـٍّيـٍّس مـٍّ ج ـٍّلـٍّس إلإدارة
بديع السروري

عدد الرسائل : 438
العمر : 42
العمل/الترفيه : ع الاثير قلبي طاير
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/10/2007

Easy and delicious spaghetti with bechamel ???? #spaghetti #pa Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Easy and delicious spaghetti with bechamel ???? #spaghetti #pa   Easy and delicious spaghetti with bechamel ???? #spaghetti #pa Emptyالأحد يوليو 23, 2023 8:02 am

Spaghetti with béchamel mix, easy and delicious 🍝
#spaghetti #pasta #pasta #bechamelpasta #bechamelpasta
We need chicken mix
Finely chopped onion
2 chicken breasts or 3 small slices once, half of a red bell pepper, chopped very finely, half of a green bell pepper, chopped very finely
Finely chopped tomato
Two crushed garlic cloves

Sauté the onion, add the chicken and garlic, then the spices and the MAGGI cube, then add the Italian seasoning - chicken seasoning (from a combination)
Grill turmeric, black pepper, garlic powder, dried parsley, coriander (powder), salt, and grill water to soften

(I'll be my spaghetti stick)
(I used a can), filter it, put the chicken mixture on it, then the bechamel and mozzarella mixture, and just serve

Bechamel mix

2 envelopes of bechamel
6 kg of milk on the stove until it thickens with continuous stirring

God bless you

#Tested _ recipe
#easy _ and _ quick _ recipe
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#cooking recipes
Easy recipe
#Easy _ dinner _ meal
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Easy and delicious spaghetti with bechamel ???? #spaghetti #pa
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