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 Maqluba rice with rabbit meat #Maqluba

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
بديع السروري
رٍئـٍّيـٍّس مـٍّ ج ـٍّلـٍّس إلإدارة
رٍئـٍّيـٍّس مـٍّ ج ـٍّلـٍّس إلإدارة
بديع السروري

عدد الرسائل : 438
العمر : 42
العمل/الترفيه : ع الاثير قلبي طاير
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/10/2007

Maqluba rice with rabbit meat #Maqluba Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Maqluba rice with rabbit meat #Maqluba   Maqluba rice with rabbit meat #Maqluba Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 07, 2023 8:01 am

The wonderful taste of winter: Maqlouba rice with rabbit meat 🍛💫

If you are looking for a delicious meal to enjoy during these cold days, I recommend you to try the delicious rice maqlouba with rabbit meat. It is a unique flavor that combines rich taste with healthy nutrition. 🐇✨

This meal is distinguished by its presentation in a different and innovative way, as the tender pieces of rabbit meat are cooked with soft basmati rice and seasoned with a variety of flavors of spices and seasonings. The meat and rice are mixed and served with fresh vegetables fried and roasted to add a touch of flavor and a crunchy texture. 🥕🌽🍆

Rice Maklouba with rabbit meat is an ideal choice for a hearty and filling dinner that will give you warmth and energy. It is also light on the stomach and contains a high percentage of protein, fiber and vitamins that are essential for the health of your body. 💪🌾

Enjoy an experience full of flavor and nutrition this season with Maklouba Rice with Rabbit Meat. Do not hesitate to enjoy every moment of the delicious taste that this unique meal will offer you. Good luck and good health! 😋🍽

*You can add the maqlouba recipe and any additional details you wish.*

Here is how you can prepare Maklouba Rice with Rabbit Meat:

the components:
- 2 rabbits, cut into small pieces.
- 2 cups of basmati rice.
4 cups of meat broth or water.
- 1 chopped onion.
- 3 minced garlic cloves.
- 1/4 cup of olive oil.
- 1 teaspoon mixed spices.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- A little chopped parsley for garnish.

How to prepare:
1. Heat the oil in a deep pot over medium heat, add the onions and garlic and sauté until golden.
2. Add the rabbit pieces and flip them until they are browned on all sides.
3. Add the spices, salt and pepper and stir until the flavors blend.
4. Add the rice and stir gently for 2 minutes to coat the rice with the spices and fat.
5. Add the broth or hot water to the bowl and stir well.
6. Increase the heat until the mixture boils, then reduce it to the lowest possible heat and cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid.
7. Leave the rice to cook for 20-25 minutes or until it is properly cooked and the liquid is absorbed.
8. Let the rice rest for a few minutes before serving, then stir the rice well until the ingredients are well combined.
9. Serve the rice maqlouba with rabbit meat in a serving dish and garnish with chopped parsley.

Enjoy eating delicious and nutritious fried rice with rabbit meat!

Continue cooking method:

10. You can serve the rice maqlouba with rabbit meat as a separate meal or accompanied by a fresh salad or grilled vegetables.

11. To add extra flavor, you can add some extra spices like cumin, turmeric, or crushed red pepper.

12. You can also decorate the maqlouba dish with toasted pine nuts, sliced ​​almonds, or fried onions in small squares.

13. The rice with rabbit meat may require some time and effort to prepare, so you can prepare the sauce for the meat or rice in advance to facilitate the cooking process.

Enjoy the experience of preparing a delicious rice maqlouba with rabbit meat and share it with your friends and family for a delicious and filling meal.

#rabbitmeat_Maqlooba #maqluba
#How_ make_the_Maqlooba


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Maqluba rice with rabbit meat #Maqluba
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